Basadi Ba Molao translated from Setswana means "Women of Law"

Basadi Ba Molao

translated from Setswana means

“Women of Law”

Non-Profit Organisation

ORGANISATION: Ownership and Structure

Basadi Ba Molao is 100% Black Ownership and 100% Black Women Ownership and a registered non-profit organisation. The registration number 2019/431525/08 is compliant with all the requirements of the Companies Act 71 of 2008. Aim The aim of the organisation is to empower, inspire and assist each other as a community because as “we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same”.


To increase the number of women, the legal practitioners should have access to the profession. Basadi Ba Molao will seek to pursue its objectives through three core programs. Across all programs Basadi Ba Molao will provide televised and online talks, lectures and workshops. These videos, which will be in short format, will then be uploaded on the Basadi Ba Molao website and across various social platforms for accessibility. These will have the effect of: interrogating relevant issues that women face in the profession from university to the time they enter practice; analysing how best to assist the women in tackling their social challenges; inspiring women in the profession; bringing to the fore these challenges; stimulating conversations surrounding issues and provide solutions on how best to deal with it.

Education and Training Services


To empower individuals and communities through the delivery of bespoke and professional learning interventions.



To promote the development of pupil advocates through the delivery of an intensive pupillage programme. To ensure highly skilled advocates enter the legal profession annually.

To upskill and advance the knowledge of professionals within the law industry through niche learning interventions. To create a fellowship among professionals through community development and support networks. To provide a support network and community of like-minded professionals within the legal profession. To encourage and provide for the empowerment of women and youth through industry support.


Excellence & Professionalism

As a group, we believe in striving for excellence in all we aim to achieve, both personally and professionally and as individuals and community.

Mindfulness & Integrity

As a group, we strive to be mindful of our peers, colleagues, students and the communities we serve. We strive to ensure our actions, behaviours, and intentions are aligned to our personal beliefs, values and the law.

Credibility & Authenticity

As a group, we aim to ensure credibility and authenticity in our approach, methodology and techniques applied to the professional development, teaching and learning, and pupillage of stakeholders.

Self and Other- Empowerment

As a group, we encourage and motivate each other to be the best versions of ourselves. We knowledge share and become curious lifelong learners as we seek to understand rather than be understood and abide by our duties.